Montessori Yatak

What is Montessori


The Importance of Montessori Philosophy

Montessori, the name of which we have heard frequently in recent years, is an education method named after the Italian doctor Maria Montessori. This method is based on children's ability to learn on their own without using any special tools. Maria Montessori began to demonstrate this system in the 1900s with scientific experiments she conducted on students. With this system, this style of education is adopted not only in the field of education but also in home life. In this style, which is briefly called Montessori decoration style, the safety of children is kept to the maximum and the space arrangements where they will feel the most free are taken as basis. So, what is Montessori ? We compile the detailed answer to this question for you in this article. In this article, where the Montessori method is covered with its full definition, you will also find answers to questions such as what is the Montessori method , what are the Montessori decoration ideas and what should be in the Montessori baby room.

What is Montessori Education?

Since we have stated that Montessori is actually an education method, it is useful to ask the question, "What is Montessori education ?" Montessori education is basically based on a human development model and has two main principles. The first of these is based on children and adults interacting with their environment while developing their own psychology. The second is related to the fact that children, especially under the age of six, have an instinctive development path. The common point in these two principles is that children have the possibility to choose and act freely as they grow up. In other words, Maria Montessori believed that these two principles must exist for ideal development. While this was achieved, it was decided to include free activities suitable for children's age ranges and personalities into this system. As a result, some basic elements are required to create a Montessori education system . They can be summarized as follows:

    • Students can choose from predetermined activity options
    • Using natural materials instead of directly teaching the concepts in the curriculum
    • Preferring wooden teaching tools instead of plastic
    • Positioning these tools in places accessible to children and classified according to their subjects
    • Students' freedom within certain limits
    • Teachers in the classroom should be trained to reveal children's talents
    • Ideally three hours long with uninterrupted running time
    • Children being educated in mixed classes. The most suitable age ranges for this are determined as 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15 and 15-18.

In the light of all this information, we can answer the question of how to make Montessori style rooms that every child would want to be in.

Montessori Style Rooms

The only goal in Montessori philosophy is for the child to handle his own business as much as possible. Maria Montessori, who set out on this path with the desire to raise free individuals, adopted the principle that children should be free in all areas, such as at home and at school. Therefore, when you decorate the children's room in your home with the Montessori principle, the child inevitably begins to keep up with this system. Because here the child grows up by learning to choose between alternatives and prefer one thing over another. There is no interference from parents in their choices. Accordingly, selected Montessori designs are ideal to contribute to this freedom of children.

Below you can find information about what should be in a child's room, starting from the Montessori style baby room .

What Should Be in Montessori Baby Rooms?

Montessori rooms , which are mostly intended for preschool children, should include certain basic elements. These include Montessori room sets and toys. You can find each one with its details below. Enjoy reading!

    • Montessori Room Sets: Of course, room sets are a must for Montessori rooms . These sets include beds , bookcases , wardrobes , tables, chairs and shelves that embrace the Montessori philosophy. Montessori beds should be high enough for the child to get in and out easily and made of materials that protect his or her health. Therefore, Montessori type beds are generally designed extremely close to the ground. The beds, mostly in raw wood color and with a homely appearance, are the best examples reflecting the Montessori style. Since the child's range of motion is wider in these beds, the child can access any toy he wants while on the bed and can get off the bed without assistance whenever he wants. This is an extremely important feature as it also serves the safety of the child. On the other hand, shelves also play a big role in this system. Children's books and other toys can be placed on shelves adjusted to the child's height. Thus, while the child explores his surroundings with ease, his sense of responsibility and self-confidence increases. Another product that should be in Montessori rooms is a mirror. Because this product is essential for improving children's spatial perception and three-dimensional thinking ability. At the same time, by looking at the reflection in the mirror, the child discovers both his own physical characteristics and how the surrounding objects look from different angles. As for Montessori cabinets, they should be adjusted according to the child's height, just like other furniture. While the child chooses among the clothes in the wardrobe and turns it into a game, he develops his sense of responsibility and self-confidence. In addition to all this, it would be great for children to have their own table and chair in their room. These wooden products, which you can describe as activity tables, allow your child to do a puzzle or paint... You can even place decorative items appropriate to his age on these tables. Aren't these areas where imagination is unlimited exactly the Montessori style?

    • Montessori Toys: Now that we have answered the question of what Montessori furniture means in the section above, toys are next. Contrary to popular belief , Montessori toys are not in large numbers and varieties. Because the aim of this philosophy is to encourage the child to learn on his own. Therefore, in this system, the quality of toys is considered, not the number of toys. The most basic feature of Montessori style toys is that they have a natural structure. Unpainted and wooden blocks and Legos are among the most well-known Montessori toys. In addition, clock figures are among the types that children are interested in. There should be a clock in the room so that the child can learn the concept of time earlier. As a result, you can make your space Montessori by purchasing a few of these wooden toys that support your child's creativity. Don't forget that you can even buy these toys by earning Paracık in addition to the discounts in Hopi campaigns. It's up to us to tell you!

    • Montessori Colors: Montessori colors can instantly change the ambiance in the room. In this philosophy, primary colors are mostly preferred. You can paint the walls in your child's room sunny yellow, baby blue or candy pink, or try covering them with colorful wallpapers. Even the ones with black and white stripes can be extremely eye-catching. Moreover, you are free not only in wall colors but also in room textiles. It is possible to incorporate the Montessori style into the space by choosing vibrant colors instead of pastel tones.

  • Montessori Order: Order is very important in children's and baby rooms decorated in accordance with the Montessori philosophy. Maria Montessori stated at every opportunity that children's and baby rooms should be simple. Items that are constantly changing their places or toys piled on top of each other are not Montessori style at all. Therefore, it would be beneficial to simplify your child's room as much as possible in order to inculcate the habit of order from the very beginning. Finally, if possible, leave the middle of the room open for your child to play freely. You can enjoy watching your child's cognitive and physical development by allowing him/her to enter the world of imagination, preferably on a laminated park floor. It is very important that the child feels free in this area. For this reason, there is no point in fencing the playground and imprisoning your child. How free Montessori is!

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